Meet Our Characters: Ocean

Author Pru Allison
Date November 04, 2019

We caught up with Sable Alley guide Ocean to find out more about how growing up in the Okavango Delta helped shape his guiding career.

Where are you originally from Ocean?

“I was born and grew up in the North West part of Botswana in the Okavango Delta. The place where I was raised is a village in a very remote area called Jao Flats which is north west of Chief’s Island.”

Where does your love of nature come from?

“I’ve always been the guy who loves nature! Because of where I grew up guiding came very naturally to me.”

Did your childhood prepare you for life as a guide?

“Yes. Fishing and swimming were my daily sports with my father. Our method of transport was dug out canoes (mokoros), so I had to learn how to pole when I was eight years old.”

How did you progress to become a professional guide?

“After school I started taking my guiding lessons, which led me to become a poler in 2002, and then later on I passed my assistant guide tests. After a bit more time I became a full professional guide.”

What do you believe makes you such a good guide?

“I believe in a positive attitude, and I really enjoy interacting with my guests. For me, that’s the main tool for learning. I enjoy hosting more than anything.”

You’re known as a very talented photographer – please tell us about that.

“Photography has now become part of my guiding career, and it makes my guiding more interesting because I’m able to help my guests as they play around with their camera settings.”

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