Meet Our Characters: Nigro

Author Pru Allison
Date February 05, 2020

We had a quick catch up with KPR guide Nigro.


Meet Our Characters: Nigro


What’s your full name?

“My Name is Nigro Tsae Xatego.”


How old are you?

“I am 34 years old.”


Where are you from originally?

“My home village is Khwai where my relatives are.”


What’s your background?

“I completed my standard five at Betsha Primary School. I did different kind of jobs, but the most interesting part for me is when it comes to tracks and signs. I used to track for trophy hunters when hunting was still on in Botswana.”


How long have you worked in Khwai Private Reserve?

“Since 2017 when I was employed permanently by Khwai Private Reserve working as a ranger which is quite a passion for me.”

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